President's Report - March 2018
Last Updated: 26/03/2018

Hello all,

Welcome to 2018. It’s been a busy year already. And it looks like it’s going to continue.

Firstly, I’d like to welcome Bremtec Brakes as our major sponsor for the 2018 2 Litre Sports Sedan Championship. Head over to their website to check out the braking products they have to offer. They have everything from pads to suit standard road car or race cars, to high end braking systems with ceramic pads and carbon fibre discs. Dandenong Brake & Clutch can help you with the full Bremtec range      

The big news out of South Australia is the formation of the 2 Litre Sports Sedan Association of South Australia. Wade Reynolds and the team kicked off the year with their first event on February with 7 cars. It was a great way to start the year. We look forward to getting over and racing with the guys in October at Australia’s newest track Tailem Bend. I’m personally heading over to The Bend for two reasons; firstly, I’m keen to support Wade and the new association and secondly to check out the new circuit.

We started with the 2017 Championship presentation at the Notting Hill Hotel. It was a great afternoon and evening with a bit of all in fun with a mobile slot car track. The little kids got right into it from the start before the racers and partners got hooked. Lee Partridge continued his winning ways and came out on top with the most laps completed after a racing round-robin competition.

The time came to officially crown Lee Partridge, driving the Mike Kyval Motorsport Mazda RX20, the winner of the 2017 Dandenong Brake and Clutch 2 Litre Sport Sedan Championship. This is something that they both work hard to achieve and it’s great to see two long-time supporters of the club achieve their goal. Well done to all the winners for 2017 and we really appreciate their efforts during the year. Winners for 2017 are Lee Partridge, Steve Howard, Barry Megaw, Richard Gay, Vin McNair, Eddie Metz, Andrew Pinkerton and Ryan Woods. 

Eddie Metz was awarded the Clubman of the year 2017 Clubman. Eddie has supported the club as a sponsor through Dandenong Brake & Clutch and has also been a great support with many suggestions and hard work behind the scenes. For example, Eddie brokered the deal for the 2018 Sponsor Bremtec Brakes.

Memberships are growing and we’ve had a strong start to the year with several new members coming on board. This is a great sign of our club growth. So welcome to the new guys and gals, and we hope to add a few more before too long.

The committee has chosen to add an event at Phillip Island’s PIARC’s Endurance Access meeting on the 23rd & 24th of June as part of this year’s championship. This will be a 2 litre cars only event, which will offer great value for money at one of Australia’s best circuits. We need support from as many competitors as possible as this event is charged per category regardless of the number of competitors. Details will be announced short for entries etc. If you’re only going to do one event this year, this would be the best event to support the club.

Round 1 of the 2018 Bremtec Brakes 2 Litre Sports Sedan Championship was at Sandown. It was great to have Sam Speer, Andrew Pinkerton and Eddie Metz join Stevo and Lee in the championship. Andrew and Sam are both well known to the club and it’s great to have them back on track. Eddie is still working towards getting the Escort out for Round 2. Ben Hamilton, Lee Nuttall and Matthew Butters have also joined the club and running both Class B and APRA championships. It was a great start to the year with some great racing.

This year is going to see the guys who have been flying the flag over the past few years supported by new cars and drivers and many past racers on the track.  Going by current interest, we have had to double our sticker purchase for the year with more than 25 different 2LSS cars set to hit the track at some stage this year. Below is a list of the drivers and cars that we hope will be out this year.

Some big news in Victoria is the return of the Famous Datsun 1200 coupe into Steve Newing’s possession. I’m not sure if Steve or Karen is more excited about this. We will keep you posted on progress with the rebuild a car that has a long history of 2LSS racing.   

Lastly, on behalf of the entire club I’d like to thank Eddie Metz and Dandenong Brake & Clutch for their support during the 2017. Without sponsors like Eddie the club wouldn’t be able to do some of the things we have done last year. If you need brakes, clutches or a car service, give him a call.

See you at the track,  



2 Litre Sports Sedan Club